Well, you've definitely got that spy feel in this song. I dunno that I'd call this epic but it is definitely fitting to a scene where a spy is doing his business unnoticed. It definitely portrays that very well. I was kind of iffy on the kick. It may have been just my opinion, but I wanted a different one, possibly one from a rock kit or maybe even increase the attack so you get somewhat of a click (not too much) going at the start of the hit.
Anyhow, I really liked this song. I think that my favorite part was the lower register piano hits; for me, that really brought the espionage into the song. I think that it pulled everything together, but then again, I'm a sucker for piano...
In terms of amping everything I'm assuming you mean getting your volume to the level that most CD quality songs are? If that's the case you may want to look into better mixing the instruments you've got in your song. I'm sure that you do a decent amount of that with the compression, but you shouldn't need to compress every instrument. Try panning the instruments as you'd see them on the stage (or be creative if there's different type of instruments there). But basically, (you may already do this, but I dunno) you want to free up a space in the stereo field for all of the instruments.
Once you've got everything panned to its respected spot, you can pass the instruments (each one) through its own bus and put a tad (small or large depending on the piece and context) of reverb on it and then pan it opposite (or close to it) of where you had the instrument panned. This will give it the feel that it's being played in a real environment, but at the same time not way way off center.
Again, I may be preaching to the choir here if you already do this and if that's the case, I apologize. Once you do that, you may not have the need to compress. Basically bring up the levels on each instrument so that it's not clipping but it's loud enough to be great quality. Only then, think about compression. Also EQ before compression as well in case you want to free up some space in the frequency spectrum for different instruments.
This should make your tracks wider and sound louder without having to put he volume way up. When you're done, slap a limiter on the end of the signal chain before rendering and it should bring the low volumes up a bit and limit the high ones to a place where it shouldn't clip. Oh, and make sure you leave kicks and the main bassline in the center otherwise the song will appear lopsided.
I apologize if this is a review for you, but hey, it can't help to provide more info right.
To reiterate, I really liked this one and I can really see your grasp on FL is getting better. Sweet song man!
PS - Sorry for long review, but hey, who doesn't like those?